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Zdrojový jazyk
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Výsledky 41 - 52 z približne 52
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Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky va rog sa imi raspundeti ca am nevoie
At any time during free roam or any races you can now press the N button and immediately
will be turned around the opposite way, this is extremely handy when trying to dodge the
police or for going around the tightest of bends.

Hotové preklady
Rumunsky Joc de curse
10Zdrojový jazyk10
Rumunsky Femeile în opera lui Iuvenal
Opera lui Iuvenal constituie un izvor preţios pentru o istorie a femeilor din Roma antică.Fie că sunt matroane, curtezane, sclave, peregrine, toate sunt analizate de spiritul critic al poetului.
Zugrăvite în antiteză cu femeile eroine din istoria romană, contemporanele lui Iuvenal sunt lipsite de moralitate, fără prejudecăţi, capricioase, dornice de aventuri pasagere şi duc o viaţă boemă.
Acesta trebuie scris în limba franceză.

Hotové preklady
Francúzsky Les femmes dans l'oeuvre de Juvénal
Anglicky Women in Juvenal's work
Zdrojový jazyk
Albánsky Ku je o i fort?
Ku je o i fort?
Si po kalon ? a je mir a ka najsend te re te ju? te na me te vjetrat jeni hup nuk po dilni me ndejt. dilni si te kish koh.
Ej Nigger ta qova ni Foto te Lejonit .
Tfala tanve andenaj e mos u brengos.
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Hotové preklady
Německy Wo bist du, du starker?
Anglicky Where are you, you strong guy?
Rumunsky Unde eÅŸti, durule?
Rusky Где ты, сильный парень?
Španielsky ¿Dónde estás, fortachón?
Zdrojový jazyk
Latinčina astrologus in puteum non cecidisset,nisi stellas...
astrologus in puteum non cecidisset,nisi stellas adspexisset.
si discipuli hunc librum legent,magister gaudebit.
si nuntii tristes erant,omnes milites tacebant.
si vis me flere,dolendum est primum ipsi tibi.
memoria,-ae-memorie, memory
si-daca, if

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Hotové preklady
Francúzsky Conditions
Anglicky Conditions
Rumunsky Condiţii
Zdrojový jazyk
Francúzsky Partie 2 - Infos X-Shot II
Avec le temps, la base de cette démo à été modifiée de plus en plus, jusqu'à avoir été totalement refaite.
Le but de ce jeu est de se défouler un maximum durant de chacuns des niveaux.
Au long du jeu, de nombreux bonus sont répartis, allant d'une nouvelle arme à un niveau caché, permettant de débloquer des bonus en tout genre...
J'ai finalement décidé de faire une traduction entière en anglais.

Première partie :
Français :
X-Shot II est un jeu de shoot dévloppé à l'aide du logiciel Rpgmaker XP.
Créé à la suite d'une traduction d'un créateur de shoots sous rmxp, une démo japonaise, qui, bien que basique aura donné beaucoup d'idées, don bien sûr le fait de créer un jeu de shoot.
Un grand merci, donc, à Shwarz.

Anglais :
X-Shot II is a shooting game developed using a program called Rpgmaker XP.
It was created after a translation of a shooting creator under rmxp,
a Japanese demo which, though basic, would provide many ideas, gift of course make a shoot 'em up.
So, thanks a lot to Shwarz.

Vous pouvez essayer le jeu ici (You can try a demo of this game here) :

Hotové preklady
Anglicky Part II - X-Shot II Info
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky In Verona, Proteus and Valentine (the two...
In Verona, Proteus and Valentine (the two gentleman of Verona) discuss the qualitites of love. Valentine announces he is leaving for Milan. Separately, Valentine's servant Speed reports to Proteus that his love Julia gave no response to his letter to her. At Julia's house, her servant Lucetta givers her Proteus' letter, which Lucetta had hid from Julia. Although Julia tears it up and refuses to read it, she eventually pieces it together and shows her desire for Proteus.

Hotové preklady
Rumunsky Cei doi domni din Verona - fragment
Zdrojový jazyk
Francúzsky Je pense à toi à chaque instant ...tu es loin de...
Je pense à toi à chaque instant ...tu es loin de mes yeux mais mon coeur fait fondre la distance
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Attention, toute traduction effectuée sans utiliser les diacritiques roumaines si nécessaire sera refusée systématiquement. Merci de respecter les langues écrites

Hotové preklady
Německy Ich denke jeden Augenblick an Dich... Du bist
Rumunsky Mă gândesc la tine în fiecare clipă... eşti de departe de mine
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky How can I request payment?
How can I request payment?
As soon as you reach payout, you will see the redemption option appear in your account area, after submitting your redemption request, we will validate your account, and then begin the payment process. You will also have the option to redeem your earnings for discounted advertising with us. When you qualify, you will see what options are available to you in your account area.
above : Link for the Romanian diacritics.
Any translation done without using these obligatory diacritics will be refused. Thanks to respect writen languages.

Hotové preklady
Rumunsky Cum îmi pot cere plata?
Zdrojový jazyk
Latinčina dumnorix gratia et largitione apud sequanos...
dumnorix gratia et largitione apud sequanos plurimum poterat et helvetiis erat amicus , quod ex ea civitate orgetorigis filiam in matrimonium duxerat et , cupiditate regni adductus , novis rebus studebat.
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Hotové preklady
Anglicky Dumnorix
Italsky Dumnorige aveva molta influenza presso i Sequani
Rumunsky Dumnorix
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